January NetWork NewsCast – From Rodeos to Rural Revival

Actualizaciones | Historias | Vidas cambiadas

Missions Door is entering a new season of ministry in 2021. We are retooling and refreshing our ministry structure and will begin engaging in new initiatives to strengthen and multiply the spread of the Gospel through a network of culturally-authentic Christ communities.

Welcome to NewsCast — our new resource providing you with highlights found throughout the ministry network of Missions Door.


The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. Matthew 13:47 NIV


CAMPUSYou can only reproduce what you already are.
Developing good leadership on our campuses is our focus right now — creating a “futuring” team. Our senior staff are busy helping develop and grow tomorrow’s leaders who are going to carry the standard for the next 20 years. Tomorrow’s leaders are on campus today — right now. Young leaders need to be called into deeper relationships with Jesus — because healthy ministry comes from healthy ministers. And greater biblical literacy is key, coaching young people to learn how to be adults, to learn how to pursue Jesus in a healthy way, and to work through their brokenness. We’re doing this by planting teams, so no one’s alone or isolated. We’ll get the complement and combination of all people’s gifts. We’ll see healthy ministers and healthy teams doing healthy campus ministry. And becoming the leaders today we need for tomorrow.


U.S. AND CANADAFaith communities planted right where they live.
All of our ministries are incarnate and raised up through the people who live there and are part of that population. None of our ministers travel into the hood — they already live there and that’s who they are. We’re generating communities of faith by meeting the needs of people as we serve them. So if there’s a need for housing, we find housing. If there’s a need for food, we use our networks to help find food. Our faith communities range from rodeo cowboys to refugees. Serving people with AIDS, to Cambodians who survived the killing fields. And for new communities of immigrants to the U.S. who arrive on our soil, who don’t speak English, and who have no idea what to do and where to go. We greet them right off the plane and welcome them and do it all through a culturally authentic Christ community . . . communities of faith across the U.S. and Canada right where they start. Right where they live.


INTERNATIONAL Churches grown from original fruit.
The path of the Missions Door International ministries has always been inspired by the Holy Spirit. Years ago when we felt led to ministry throughout the Americas, we were one hundred percent sure that was God guiding us to open our doors and welcome the opportunity. We are now seeing the fruit of our first ministry leaders who have gone on to train other leaders in 16 countries. And those leaders can focus on making disciples who are going on and planting even more churches. Today we have over 500 churches in Latin America. And the work of those faith communities extends to hospitals, prison ministries and rehabilitation centers. The boundaries of our ministry network have also extended to Africa, Spain, Ukraine, and Cambodia through online coaching and Bible Education by Extension. Each week we now have classes with 20 leaders receiving training that they will take back to their own communities where they can serve and disciple people within their own culture.


Missions Door Prayer Guide for 2021

Join with us in prayer in Building Networks of Culturally-Authentic Christ Communities.

[su_button url=”https://www.missionsdoor.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/2021-Missions-Door-Prayer-Guide.pdf” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#000000″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”4″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download Prayer Guide[/su_button]

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