François and Nathalie Turcotte

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial

François was appointed by Missions Door in 2018. Much of his work involves the training and discipleship of leaders in the churches of Canada. In 2007, he took on the role of part-time pastor at his church while working part time with SEMBEQ, a ministry that focuses on Church-based leadership training and theological education. Now, 15 years later, François serves as President of this organization that seeks to serve the French Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada (AEBEQ) in the training of ministry workers and disciples. François is also an elder in a new church plant in an urban setting in the heart of Montreal where he is also involved in the coaching of future pastors.  

Historia de fe

François grew up as an only child in Montreal. While his family did not attend church together, François occasionally attended Catholic church with his mother and grandmother, where he was intrigued by their religious practices. He says, “[this] planted in my heart a curiosity and an attraction for the divine”. At thirteen years old, François remembers his aunt and uncle returning home one night to announce that they had converted to Jesus Christ. From then on, they were convinced that they would go to heaven after dying and that their sins were forgiven. François was intrigued by this major change in them and took time to listen carefully to them. After many conversations with his aunt, two Christians from a neighborhood Evangelical Church stopped by and systematically explained God’s redemptive plan. François learned that he was separated from God because of his sins and that the just consequence was going to hell when he died. They then explained to him the salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. François understood that God, the Father, had sent his only Son to die a substitutionary death on the cross so that he, being the one needing punishment, could be totally forgiven. Upon hearing this good news, he repented and asked Christ to save him from hell. His spiritual growth was slow after conversion. He had no Christian friends or role models, and his home life was not always ideal. But when he was fourteen, François’ family decided to attend Repentigny Baptist Church on a regular basis, and his faith “took off”. François was baptized, received teaching, and got involved with the church. François is still in awe today at the grace of God. He says, “His love gives me the joy I need to face every day, and my attachment to God’s Word is ever growing”.  


  • B.A. in Mathematics 1991
  • B.Th. in 2000 (SEMBEQ)
  • MA in Pastoral Studies 2013
  • D.Min. March, 2024




    François and Nathalie by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH). 

Más información sobre este ministerio

Mientras la prosperidad acoge la diversidad, nacionales e inmigrantes crean un mosaico multicultural

A pesar de su fama por el hielo y nieve árticos, Canadá también encierra la belleza de los Grandes Lagos y las cataratas del Niágara, así como bosques boreales, cordilleras y la costa más larga del mundo. Las auroras boreales suelen iluminar los cielos invernales.

La sociedad canadiense fomenta el respeto por las distintas nacionalidades que crean un colorido mosaico de tradiciones multiculturales distintas.

Un número creciente de inmigrantes ahora llaman a Canadá su hogar. Cada vez hay más inmigrantes en Canadá, además de descendientes de aborígenes y colonos europeos. Ciudades como Vancouver y Toronto están en el centro de esta rápida evolución demográfica, ya que gentes de todo el mundo buscan las oportunidades de un país próspero y progresista.

Canadá tambien enfrenta su parte de problemas sociales modernos, especialmente tensiones entre distintos grupos étnicos y lingüísticos, y bolsas de pobreza y desempleo. En los últimos 20 años, la participación religiosa de los canadienses ha disminuido, ya que las generaciones más jóvenes afirman asistir a los servicios religiosos con menos frecuencia que las generaciones mayores.

Su participación en Missions Door hace posible la formación pastoral, la capacitación de líderes, la plantación de iglesias y la proyección social para fortalecer la influencia del cristianismo en Canadá.

Instantánea cultural

Como variante de los juegos de palo y pelota, el hockey sobre hielo se desarrolló notablemente gracias a su popularidad en Canadá, donde el primer partido de hockey bajo techo se jugó en 1875 en Montreal.

Hecho de fe

Uno de cada cinco canadienses nativos afirma asistir a los servicios al menos una vez al mes. Los inmigrantes tienen el doble de probabilidades de asistir.

Perfil del país

Población: 35 millones

Religiones Mayoritarias: 39% Católicos, 27% Protestantes, 24% Sin Afiliación, 11% Otros

Idiomas: 57% Inglés (oficial), 21% Francés (oficial), 16% Bilingüe

Alfabetización: 99

Pobreza: 12%



Área de Servicio Ministerial:

Ubicación del ministerio:
, Canadá