Manuel Lopez

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial

Manuel graduated from the Nogales Baptist Seminary (SEBANO) in May 1990 and in August that same year he began his ministry as a teacher in a school where he has been working for 29 years. Beginning in 1994, Manuel worked as a pastor at Bethel Baptist Church of Nogales, Sonora, a ministry he developed for 9 years. He also planted another church in Nogales. In 2005, Manuel started working as a Hispanic pastor at the First Baptist Church of Nogales, Arizona. He is currently planting another church which is 45 minutes from Nogales, Sonora. Manuel continues as a teacher and student advisor of the Baptist Seminary of Nogales attending morning, night and virtual face-to-face classes. Manuel claims to have the strong conviction that God has called him to be part of a team who prepares and trains leaders in preaching, teaching, evangelism and missions. Manuel will be working on seminar’s promotion by recruiting students from both Mexico and Spanish-speaking countries, either face-to-face or virtually and he will continue to train students so they receive high-level preparation that enables them to meet the demands of the ministry in this postmodern world. The main goal is that when students leave the seminary they will be properly trained and able to manage a church, act as Bible teachers with sound doctrine, work effectively in evangelism and have a great passion for planting new churches in a society that needs it so much.

Historia de fe

His wife, Elda, converted to Christ in 1984 when she attended a Baptist church in the city of Nogales, Sonora after an invitation of a friend from her university. It was the first time she clearly heard the message of the Gospel and God opened her heart to believe in Christ as the Savior and Lord of her life. Later, she enrolled Baptist Seminary of Nogales in 1986. Manuel accepted Christ as his Savior in 1985 in a Christian family camp. The number of young people who professed their faith in Jesus struck him. At one night preaching service, he perfectly understood the love of God for him and how He gave His only Son to give him eternal life and to achieve purpose in his life. That night, Manuel surrendered himself without reservation to Christ and for the following year, I was studying at the Nogales Baptist Seminary. Before graduating from Sebano Manuel and Elda were invited by the Principal to stay and work as teachers there. They began to work as Seminary teachers in 1990 and God gave them a heart to train others while they got invested with them, doing ministry, evangelizing and start new churches.


Manuel has a degree in theology from Nogales Baptist Seminar and another in Psychology from the Open University of San Luis Potosi. He also has a Master's degree in Family Counseling from the Institute of Higher Studies for Integral Development of Monterrey and a Doctorate in Psychology. He is studying a master's degree in Theological Studies with Miami International Seminary (Mints).




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Más información sobre este ministerio

Desde las civilizaciones antiguas hasta las ciudades modernas, las coloridas tradiciones hacen avanzar una cultura vibrante

Las coloridas y alegres fiestas son un elemento básico de la vida en México para celebrarlo todo, desde los santos patrones hasta las fiestas nacionales, pasando por la música de guitarra. Las tradiciones actuales combinan la influencia española desde el siglo XVI con la herencia de antiguas civilizaciones que florecieron en México miles de años antes.

Las soleadas playas y aguas turquesas de Baja California y Cancún atraen a miles de turistas cada año. Y entre una combinación de arquitectura histórica y moderna, los 20 millones de habitantes de Ciudad de México la convierten en uno de los centros urbanos más poblados del mundo.

En el corazón de cada ciudad mexicana se encuentra el zócalo, o plaza pública central, que invita a la interacción comunitaria. Por el contrario, los muros enlucidos suelen rodear las casas acomodadas para protegerlas y simbolizar la importancia de la familia en la sociedad mexicana.

El país tiene una de las mayores economías del mundo, impulsada en gran medida por la industria manufacturera, y es el mayor productor mundial de plata. Pero las altas tasas de desempleo y delincuencia dificultan que muchos hogares obtengan ingresos suficientes.

Su participación con Missions Door ayuda a satisfacer las necesidades estratégicas y espirituales de las comunidades en México a través de equipos médicos, capacitación de líderes, desarrollo económico, plantación de iglesias y ministerio juvenil.

Instantánea cultural

El aclamado pintor mexicano Diego Rivera creó elaborados murales que representan la historia y la cultura de México.

Hecho de fe

México tiene la segunda mayor población de católicos del mundo, aproximadamente 96 millones.

Perfil del país

Población: 118 millones, 46% de 0 a 24 años

Religiones mayoritarias: 83% católicos, 6% protestantes

Idiomas: 93% español, 6% bilingüe en español y lenguas indígenas

Alfabetización: 94

Pobreza: 52%



Área de Servicio Ministerial:

Ubicación del ministerio:
, México