Allen and Mirjam Peil

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial


To ignite a network of multiplying, healthy house churches led by Native Americans.

Before joining Missions Door, Allen served as an Assistant Pastor in Riverton Wyoming for over 6 years. During that time, he and his wife, Mirjam, had several open opportunities to serving in local ministries among the Shoshoni and Arapaho tribes primarily through bible studies and a bussing service to bring people to their local church. They are now fully committed to ministry on the Wind River Indian Reservation.

The Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshoni tribes live in Wind River Indian Reservation which surround Riverton. Several Native American communities are located a short distance from town, and many families live in Riverton. Through their ministry, Allen and Mirjam have built a number of relationships and friendships with both Arapaho and Shoshoni families. They have also seen first-hand the need for Christ in that area. Physical abuse, substance abuse, poverty, and broken families are common. This couple has a passion to see change—which is only possible through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Allen and Mirjam are working to build a network of house churches and to raise up and train indigenous leaders who can lead, reach, and serve their own people.

Allen and Mirjam have been building on existing relationships to start forming these small churches. Additionally, they have several avenues to build relationships with people who might otherwise slip through the cracks though ministries such as bible studies in homes, treatment centers, and jails.

After the churches can be started, their focus will transition from church planting to training pastors in biblical theology, shepherding/counseling, discipleship, and church multiplication.

Allen is now also serving as a regional team leader for Missions Door, helping to network and support the various missionaries serving in Utah and Wyoming.

Historia de fe

Allen was born and grew up in Wyoming. He was raised in a family that attended a good bible-teaching church and helped him to understand the Gospel at an early age. He remembers the day when, at 5 years old, he accepted Jesus into his heart. At age 17, Allen acted on this decision in obedience and was baptized. Later, he rededicated his life to Jesus Christ and began serving in local churches through technology and small groups. Most recently he served at Riverton First Baptist Church—the church in which he grew up and was baptized!

Mirjam also grew up in a Christian home in Switzerland. At a very young age, she received Jesus into her heart and being so certain of her faith, was baptized by age 9. From that day on, she never looked back. At age 13, she attended a youth event where she heard from a missionary serving on the Wind River Indian Reservation. From that day on, she knew her calling was in this area.


If you want an interesting story, ask Allen and Mirjam how they first met. The short version of it is that they first saw each other at the very event that Mirjam decided to serve Native Americans. Many years later, they met in the USA-while Mirjam was visiting on the Reservation and in Riverton. After a 3 year-long…long…distance relationship, Allen and Mirjam were married in Switzerland and lived there for 2 more years.

After they moved back to Riverton, Wyoming they had a beautiful daughter who is now in elementary school.


Allen graduated from Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, CO with a degree in music, and emphases on Sound Recording Technology and Biblical Studies. He has complete approximately 69 hours' worth of course work from Antioch School-BILD International.

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Más información sobre este ministerio

En coloridas comunidades y a lo largo de pintorescas autopistas, la diversidad de gentes y paisajes se extiende de costa a costa.

Entre las tradiciones icónicas estadounidenses figuran la cena de Acción de Gracias, la música jazz y el Super Bowl. Se funden con ejemplos eclécticos de herencia multicultural: numerosos barrios chinos locales, taquerías operadas por familias e incluso botas vaqueras, que se originaron entre los hunos nómadas del este de Europa.

El paisaje del país muestra otros tantos contrastes: playas arenosas y costas rocosas, llanuras abiertas y vastos desiertos, montañas escarpadas y cañones sinuosos, y abundantes ríos y lagos.

Los ideales de vida y libertad que fundaron los Estados Unidos han hecho del país uno de los más prósperos del mundo, aún con episodios oscuros y problemas presentes. La delincuencia, la discriminación y las violaciones de la ética ocupan regularmente los titulares y muchas personas viven por debajo del nivel nacional de pobreza.

Las familias consideran que la educación es esencial para la búsqueda de la felicidad, pero también como un camino hacia la riqueza y el poder para los más ambiciosos. Sin embargo, los estadounidenses también demuestran un espíritu caritativo de generosidad hacia los vecinos y las naciones necesitadas.

La libertad de religión ofrece oportunidades a todas las diferentes religiones, pero el cristianismo tiene especial influencia en la historia y la vida cotidiana del país.

Tu participación con Missions Door apoya el ministerio en Estados Unidos entre estudiantes universitarios, incluidos muchos estudiantes internacionales en iglesias locales colaboradoras. También permite el alcance social, la plantación de iglesias y el desarrollo de liderazgo en una amplia variedad de comunidades - entre los nativos americanos y otros grupos culturales, y en entornos urbanos y suburbanos donde el crecimiento y el cambio demográfico crean nuevas oportunidades para el Evangelio.

Instantánea cultural

Aparte de las poblaciones de nativos americanos, nativos hawaianos y nativos de Alaska, casi todos los estadounidenses y sus antepasados emigraron a Estados Unidos.

Hecho de fe

En una encuesta de 2013, el 56% de los estadounidenses afirmaron que la religión desempeñaba un "papel muy importante en sus vidas", una cifra superior a la de cualquier otra nación rica.

Perfil del país

Población: 320 millones

Religiones mayoritarias: 47% protestantes, 23% no afiliados, 21% católicos, 6% otros

Idiomas: 82% Inglés, 11% Español, varios otros

Alfabetización: 99

Pobreza: 16%



Área de Servicio Ministerial:

Ministry location:
Wyoming, United States