New pastors go above and beyond

Actualizaciones | Historias | Vidas cambiadas

Every three months, new believers walk from remote mountains and villages. They ride buses and boats for up to 18 hours, often not knowing where they will sleep and what they will eat when they arrive at their destination.

They are driven on this journey by their hunger for truth and the word of God.

Faith is what takes them to the nearest community where they can join others online or in classrooms. Here, they will be provided with training through the Biblical Education by Extension [BEE] program.

They tell us, “I’m a Christian now and I want to go to church.” So churches are springing up in lots of remote areas and existing churches are filling up and starting even more new churches.

So Missions Door leadership in their countries and communities have encouraged and enabled them to become new pastors in newly planted churches right where they live. But most of these believers don’t have trained pastors to guide them.

It’s because we’re getting to use technology. But access to technology still presents the greatest obstacle for us.

In most of our Latin America countries, especially in Central America, they are very poor people.

Access to a phone is so difficult and internet access can only be found in locations where they pay by the hour.

They arrive at our training sites saying, “God has called me to pastor a congregation, but I’m a new believer myself. So what do I do from here?”

Through our Missions Door Network, we can teach them solid and good doctrine through BEE, because there are so many winds of false doctrine that float through Central and South America.

When we can provide onsite training, most of these students will come for all four days, instead of just one time a week.

And we have to try to feed them and help them find a good place to sleep while they get training.

At Missions Door, it’s our partners who are helping us through prayer and support to train each new pastor, who trains another and trains another.


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