Fondo de Avance Estratégico

"La mies es mucha, pero los obreros pocos; por tanto, rogad encarecidamente al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies." Mateo 9:37b-38 RVR Jesús dice que se necesitan más trabajadores para recoger la cosecha que Dios ha preparado. Missions Door lanzó el Fondo de Avance Estratégico para abordar esta cuestión. Estamos...

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Seminary Fund

Donations to this project fund tuition, fees, and necessary expenses for a seminary degree at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary for one of our Missions Door missionaries.   Project #41240U

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Ministerio Universitario en MA

Los campus universitarios están llenos de estudiantes que están abiertos al cambio mientras descubren las cosas por sí mismos - ¡es el mejor momento para presentarles la Nueva Vida en Cristo! Invierte en su futuro acompañando al ministerio universitario en MA. Los fondos apoyarán a los ministros nuevos y subfinanciados, a los nuevos campus, a los ministerios existentes...

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Alex Linares Family Relief Fund

In January of 2021, Alex Linares contracted COVID-19 and the Lord promoted him to heaven on the 29th. Alex had been a Missions Door missionary in Honduras since September of 2019, but he had answered the Lord’s call to ministry nearly 20 years ago. It was to serve the Lord and follow his father’s legacy…

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Atención a las viudas

Jesús nos muestra que debemos amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos, pero también nos dice que debemos cuidar de las viudas y los huérfanos. Entendemos la importancia que tiene para nosotros cuidar de Su Iglesia, y hace hincapié en que debemos dedicar un cuidado especial a los más débiles y vulnerables, como las personas...

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International Relief Fund – Coronavirus Crisis

Read: “A New Reality” The novel Coronavirus is taking its toll in every nation across the globe, including Latin America, where many of our Missions Door missionaries reside and do ministry. Even those who do not fall ill with the rapidly spreading virus are greatly impacted. Latin American markets and economies are plunging, and people…

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Odess, Rick – El Salvador Ministry Trips

This fund is for an extended time of service in El Salvador with Rick Odess. Projects may include: teaching English in the churches, providing transportation to/from church for those unable to get there otherwise, support and counsel for church planting Pastors, deepening relationships with local church leaders, learning of opportunities for team projects, learning how…

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Honduras Relief Fund

In mid-October, after a gas truck crashed and enflamed a Tegucigalpa neighborhood, 13 families connected to the Baptist Church of Germania, a church started under Missions Door, lost their homes. This project will help families who are currently still in transitional housing and we would love to gift some additional help at Christmas time.  …

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Haiti Pastor Training Fund

In Haiti, the majority of pastors have never had access to theological training due to lack of resources and education opportunities. Pastor Widmy Mervilus sees a different future for these Haitian pastors. He desires for them to be provided with new opportunities for the growth of their ministries. This project will offer the training and…

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Indonesia Boys’ Dormitory Project – Joint Ministry Partner Project

Thank you for your interest in supporting our Joint Ministry Partners, The Fellowship, a family of over 500 Evangelical Baptist Churches scattered across Canada from the Yukon to the tip of Nova Scotia. The Indonesia Boys’ Dormitory Project is a project of The Fellowship which is seeking to raise funds for The Indonesian Theological Seminary in…

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Seminario Grace For All Nations (W. Boutrus)

Grace For All Nations (GFAN) is a project led by missionary Wagih Boutrus. This program seeks to give seminary training to South Sudanese pastors and leaders. Training sessions will be held three times a year. The country of South Sudan (RSS) is the newest country in the world, being formed in 2011. One of the best…

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Almendarez, Victor-Retreat Center

Victor Almendarez has created a project that will build a home for his family that will also serve as a ministry center. Victor and his family will live in the residence, but it will also be used as a retreat and training center. Specifically, this home will provide a location for leader and discipleship training…

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Cambodia Pastor’s Support Project

This project was created to support ten pastors and church planters spread amongst the Odor Meanchey Province, Siem Reap Province, Kampong Cham Province, Kampot Province and Pursat Province of Cambodia. In order to serve and complete local ministry, these pastors and church planters need monetary support. The goal is to provide each individual with $100 per…

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Fondo para el Ministerio de Estudiantes Internacionales - Connecticut

Este proyecto permite a los simpatizantes donar fondos específicamente para los estudiantes que participan en el ministerio en Connecticut. Este fondo ministerial es para gastos del ministerio estudiantil internacional, proporcionando becas a estudiantes para que puedan asistir a retiros. Proyecto #: 69855M (Fondo para el Ministerio de Estudiantes Internacionales)

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DR - Centro Ministerial Evaristo Morales

Felix Abreu and the Evaristo Morales Church are working to purchase a church building that will serve as both the church and a center for ministry. Their current church building is rented and cannot be used in all the capacities they would like. This new facility will serve many purposes, including housing church offices and…

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Fondo de Ayuda para Haití

Because of Haiti’s various hurricanes, earthquakes and states of political unrest, we have created a fund for the continued support and relief efforts in this country. Just days after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, which has claimed more than 2,000 lives, Haitians were devastated by Tropical Storm Grace, which brought heavy rains and strong…

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Nicaragua - América Central (CAM) Ministerio de Plantación de Iglesias

Rigo Reyes y su equipo están implementando una visión y una estrategia para plantar nuevas iglesias en América Central. Han seleccionado a hombres fieles de toda América Central, los han capacitado en la plantación de iglesias y han encargado a cada uno de ellos que planten una o dos iglesias nuevas por año y que capaciten hasta treinta líderes por año....

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Honduras Lenca - Centroamérica (CAM) Ministerio de Plantación de Iglesias

Rigo Reyes y su equipo están implementando una visión y una estrategia para plantar nuevas iglesias en América Central. Han seleccionado a hombres fieles de toda América Central, los han capacitado en la plantación de iglesias y han encargado a cada uno de ellos que planten una o dos iglesias nuevas por año y que capaciten hasta treinta líderes por año....

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Honduras West – Central America (CAM) Church Planting Ministry

Rigo Reyes y su equipo están implementando una visión y una estrategia para plantar nuevas iglesias en América Central. Han seleccionado a hombres fieles de toda América Central, los han capacitado en la plantación de iglesias y han encargado a cada uno de ellos que planten una o dos iglesias nuevas por año y que capaciten hasta treinta líderes por año....

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El Salvador – Central America (CAM) Church Planting Ministry

Rigo Reyes y su equipo están implementando una visión y una estrategia para plantar nuevas iglesias en América Central. Han seleccionado a hombres fieles de toda América Central, los han capacitado en la plantación de iglesias y han encargado a cada uno de ellos que planten una o dos iglesias nuevas por año y que capaciten hasta treinta líderes por año....

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Central America (CAM) Church Planting Ministries

Rigo Reyes y su equipo están implementando una visión y una estrategia para plantar nuevas iglesias en América Central. Han seleccionado a hombres fieles de toda América Central, los han capacitado en la plantación de iglesias y han encargado a cada uno de ellos que planten una o dos iglesias nuevas por año y que capaciten hasta treinta líderes por año....

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Centro de Formación de Fundadores de Iglesias - Antonio De la Zerda

This church planting initiative in Bolivia, Ecuador and the United States begins with the theoretical and practical education of students in a training program called “Berea”. Upon graduation, these students continue to be mentored while initiating church planting projects. There are currently three training centers in New York, four in Bolivia, and four in Ecuador…

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Motocicletas para pastores - Paul Steer

En la región de Honduras del pastor Paul Steer es difícil acceder a muchas de las comunidades a las que ministramos. Carreteras estrechas, paso de montañas y otros obstáculos hacen que sea difícil y peligroso para los vehículos para viajar. Dado que no hay transporte público para estos lugares, algunos pastores caminan casi 20 millas para acceder a estas comunidades,...

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Formación de pastores y líderes - Paul Steer

El objetivo del pastor Paul Steer es que el Evangelio llegue a todos los hombres, mujeres y niños. Él y otros pastores imparten formación pastoral y de liderazgo a los creyentes para ayudarles a llegar a los demás en sus comunidades. Esta formación se realiza en el contexto y la cultura de cada pueblo, barrio, escuela y universidad. Así, los...

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Vehicle Project-Arnold Linares

The Linares family needs a dependable vehicle with the capability to carry people, resources, construction materials and more to the villages, cities, and mountains populations in their region of Honduras. This vehicle is also used to visit and train leaders, supervise churches, and any other travel need. Many of these locations are far away and traverse rough…

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Church Building Projects-Arnold Linares

San Pedro Sula is a rapidly growing city in Honduras. In just six months, five new communities have formed in the city. There is new need and opportunity for churches in these communities. The Linares family is working to train leaders and raise funds in order to build churches in these locations. However, many families…

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School Supplies for Children-Arnold Linares

Honduras is ranked as having one of the lowest education levels of any country. Due to extreme poverty, there are less opportunities for education than many places around the world. The Linares family began working for better education in their community 15 years ago. They sought to raise the level of education in their area…

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Women’s Ministry–Paul Steer

The goal of this project is to reach women in communities that have previously been closed to the Gospel of Christ. This ministry will offer craft workshops that promote the economic development of the community, while also sharing the word of God with all who attend. This project aims to develop leadership in indigenous and…

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Proyecto de vehículo-Paul Steer

El ministerio de Paul y Tania Steer requiere viajes frecuentes a las montañas y ciudades de la Región Sur Central de Honduras. A lo largo del año, viajan hora y media en motocicleta por la Carretera Panamericana para sembrar, visitar y supervisar la obra del Señor bajo su responsabilidad. Esta carretera tiene un...

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Pastor Workneh Tesfaye’s Leadership Development trip to Ethiopia

Pastor Workneh will conduct a Leadership Development/Church Planting training in the new church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pastor Workneh’s church in Boston launched Salvation Rock International Church (SRIC) a year ago and are continuing to foster growth and development in the congregation. New church leaders, as well as up to eight additional churches in Ethiopia…

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Next Generation-Central American Missionary Interns

The Next Generation Central American Missionary Interns project provides preliminary training of second-generation, indigenous missionaries, initially in Central America. Next Generation is a low-cost internship program for Central American, second-generation, indigenous missionaries. The participating youth and young adults are the children of our own Missionaries at Missions Door, and many already see themselves as missionaries…

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Regalos de Navidad para niños hondureños-Steer

Cada año Paul Steer, misionero en Honduras, recauda dinero para bendecir a los niños con regalos de Navidad. Por un regalo de $10, usted puede ayudar a dar un regalo y algo de comida a un niño en el Sur Central de Honduras. Todos los fondos recaudados irán directamente a llevar regalos a estos niños. El objetivo de este proyecto es no sólo...

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Connecticut Discipleship & Outreach Coordinator

As campus ministry in Connecticut continues to grow, the need for additional full-time help has become apparent. Gifts to this project go towards raising funds for the Discipleship & Outreach Coordinator position. The Discipleship & Outreach Coordinator will work alongside the director to help coordinate, plan and execute outreach events with local churches. This individual will…

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Nicaragua Ayuda por catástrofe natural

El propósito de este proyecto es ayudar en el apoyo continuo a Nicaragua después de múltiples desastres nacionales. Debido a las diversas inundaciones, terremotos y estados de agitación política de Nicaragua, hemos creado un fondo para el apoyo continuo y los esfuerzos de socorro en este país. Los fondos recaudados se destinarán...

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Haiti Children’s School Scholarships

For many children in Haiti, the cost of education often hinders them from attending school and receiving an education. As education is still not accessible for all in Haiti, the purpose of this project is to help some of these children go to school. This is a sponsorship program in which donors will support children…

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Proyecto de Ministerio para los Refugiados

In efforts to survive, refugees often find themselves far from home and struggling to provide for their families. Nancy Pitrowiski’s Refugee Ministry Project serves as a resource to offer assistance to families in desperate need of help and compassion. Your gift to the Refugee Ministry Project with directly support refugees in the United States and…

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Prison Ministry in Honduras

God has provided the opportunity for Victor to have a vibrant ministry to prisoners in his area of Honduras. Gifts to this project support prison evangelism and small gifts for inmates. Country Served Honduras Fund Oversight Victor & Virgilia Almendarez

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School Supplies for Children in Honduras

Ministry in the mountains of Honduras has led Victor to some of the most poverty stricken areas. Gifts to this project will supply children in these areas with school supplies, aiding in their education. Country Served Honduras Fund Oversight Victor & Virgilia Almendarez

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Honduras Women’s Conference

Each year Victor and Virgilia Almendarez organize a conference for the wives of the pastors they work with in Honduras. This conference provides a time of physical and spiritual refreshment for these ladies and is a great blessing to them. Gifts to this project assist those who are unable to pay the full conference registration…

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Honduras Youth Education

Victor works with many youth in poverty situations. They have no hope of education or training that will help them become productive and valuable members of their community. Gifts to Victor’s Youth Education project will invest in their education, allowing them to receive education scholarships or learn a trade to support them financially in the…

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Victor Almendarez Ministry Vehicle

The Alemendarez’s ministry involves frequent travel.  Gifts to this project will assist them in the purchase, maintenance and repairs of their ministry vehicle. Country Served Honduras Fund Oversight Victor & Virgilia Almendarez

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LeadersFor – Joint Ministry Partner Project

Thank you for your interest in supporting our Joint Ministry Partners, The Fellowship, a family of over 500 Evangelical Baptist Churches scattered across Canada from the Yukon to the tip of Nova Scotia. LeadersFor is a ministry of The Fellowship that provides an opportunity for Canadian pastors and their churches to participate in the training of…

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Door of Love, Nicaragua Child Sponsorship Program

Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Latin America. Almost 50 percent of the population live under the poverty line and have limited access to food, education and medical care. Many sponsorship programs have been created to offer aid to this population, however their reach can only go so far. There are children, right now,…

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