Actualización: Judío mesiánico reunido con maestro de la Biblia después de 67 años

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Missions Door missionary, Vincent Morgan, reports incredible news. Vincent is a missionary to the Jewish people. Last month, he along with one of the world’s top Messianic Jewish teachers, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, hosted a camp focused on the Jewish background of the bible.

Arnold was born in Siberia in 1943, during World War II to German Jewish parents who had fled the Holocaust. He and his family eventually ended up in Brooklyn, NY. Arnold began to attend bible studies near his new home. His father allowed him to attend as long as a young girl by the name of Molly, from an Orthodox family, was there. But Molly had become a believer in the Messiah. She became one of Arnold’s first bible teachers when she was 22 and he was only 12 years old. As a result, Arnold also accepted the Messiah.

The camp was able to sponsor Molly (who is now 89 years old), reuniting her with Arnold after 67 years!

Support Vincent here.

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