Actualización: WATCH - Scouting Argentinian Villages for Deaf People

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Missions Door missionary, Jessie Fox, sent us this video, showcasing how her team at Signs of Love search for Deaf people in Argentinian villages. All of the Deaf people you’ll see in this video have never had access to learning sign language or the gospel. Deaf people who don’t know sign language typically live in isolation, unable to communicate with the world. Their neighbors often don’t know they exist.

From Jessie:

“Once we arrive in a village (right now we drive between 1 – 2.5 hours), we begin knocking door to door, asking individuals, shop owners, clinics, and whoever we pass on the road if they knew any deaf people. Almost immediately people will say, ‘Nope, none here!’ But after probing a little longer, sometimes they remember someone … Sometimes, ‘Go over the bridge and turn left at the sheep,’ aren’t the most helpful directions and oftentimes people don’t know exactly where the Deaf live. Nearly every time we do a scouting trip, someone will tell us, ‘No there are no Deaf people in this village anywhere!’ and we will find a deaf person just 2 houses down from them! Shows how overlooked and unknown the deaf often are.”

Pray for Signs of the Love and the Deaf individuals they encounter, that they may know the God of the universe loves them and wants to communicate with them. Support Jessie here.

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