Relationships for the Long-Term

  “Do you speak Spanish?” I asked. “Well… I offend less people now” he laughed. Rick Myers is a Missions Door Missionary Advocate and Short-Term Teams Coordinator. Today, he leads trips to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. While he began his career as a salesman, Rick left the corporate world after 27 years to…

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On a Day of Palm Branches

It is the Friday before Holy Week. I am traveling with my good friend Rigoberto Reyes, to the eastern end of Cuba this day. We were on the road at 4:00am, bouncing along in a rickety automobile, to arrive for a full day of teaching and encouraging pastors. It seemed unreasonably early to me, especially…

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The Legend of Christmas

Dr Mike Fleischmann, Vice President of Personnel In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to their own town to register.  So Joseph also went up from…

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Agradecido por el Viaje

This past October, Rick Myers set out on a cross-country tour, deciding to travel the US by car to visit and promote many US and Central American missionaries. Rick was re-appointed as a Missionary Advocate last year and embraced the opportunity to personally fellowship and commune with these missionaries across the US. This “Missionary Advocacy…

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Haití: Vida y luz después de la tormenta

En 2010, Haití sufrió una de las peores catástrofes naturales de nuestro tiempo, un terremoto de 7 grados de magnitud.

Cinco años después, Francklin Alexis, misionero de Missions Door, reflexiona sobre el desastre, el progreso y la esperanza que nos aguardan.

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