Home Away From Home

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On a cool night in Oregon, Karmann lounges back in a hammock, feeling the waves of heat from the firepit nearby warming her body. Several of her roommates sit relaxed around her. They munch on popcorn, sip coffee, crack jokes, and have serious conversations about life’s deepest questions. Her eyes land on Anna, a young woman who just broke up with her boyfriend because he wasn’t a believer. Her spiritual growth has been incredible to watch. So has Jolene’s, who brought her brother and best friend to Christ after being discipled by Campus Ambassadors. The women’s home Karmann lives in is always bustling, and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Finding Home

Karmann had a rough upbringing. She moved around a lot and experienced homelessness at young page. During her middle school years, church was an escape from her homelife. She was a regular attendee of Wednesday night bible study, armed with lots of questions. She was baptized her sophomore year and was the only person in her family that went to church regularly, but God provided and cared for her. The fact that her home is not on earth but in the kingdom of God is a huge mantra in her life.

Her freshman year of college, she attended a college in Albany, Oregon and became an intern for Campus Ambassadors. She transferred and graduated from Western Oregon University where she’s still involved in C.A. but serves on staff as a missionary. She loves that her passion and gifts are utilized – leadership, pouring into people, and building up students for God’s kingdom. Her team has grown and is expanding.

The Harriet House

Karmann believes being partnered with a local church is foundational to college ministry. Not only does it allow C.A. to have the freedom of meeting off campus, but it builds a larger community and prepares the students to be involved in a church body post-graduation. “We want the student to discover their giftings, abilities, and be put in positions where they can utilize and practice using them in church,” she says.

Because the university and town are small, campus missionaries really get to the know the students and develop a tight-knit community. When Anne first started getting involved in C.A., Karmann wasn’t sure if the group was having an impact on her. She was shocked when Anne shared in a Thanksgiving event that C.A. was her only true community on campus. Karmann began discipling her and she was eventually baptized. She’s currently the president of their club and is considering becoming on intern and eventually joining the staff.

She also moved into the women’s home with Karmann, called the Harriet House. There, fourteen women ages 18-25 live together in an environment where they can grow in their Christian faith. They’re committed to having a positive impact on the community, setting up bible studies, worship nights, and constantly having friends over. It’s Karmann’s home away from her kingdom home. If you’d like to support Karmann’s work with Missions Door’s Campus Ambassadors, you can do so at her page here. You can also check out the Harriet House’s Facebook page and Instagram!

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