Marvin and Denise Robinson

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial

Rochester, New York, is 360 miles northwest of Coney Island, Brooklyn, where the Robinsons ministered for 21 years. When the Robinsons finished what God had called them to do in Coney Island - plant a church and establish ongoing outreach to the community - He then led them to Rochester. They feel privileged and excited to have this opportunity to bring Christ and His message of hope and redemption to people living in suburban government-subsidized housing developments and within the inner city of Rochester. One way Marvin and Denise minister, among others, is inviting church groups to visit and have an opportunity to minister along with them in Bible clubs for children, open evangelism, and in projects for the elderly (home carpentry and painting, etc.). Every spring and summer they schedule as many groups as they can in order to reach scores of children and adults with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as pass along the vision they have for reaching the inner city for Jesus Christ. (Anyone interested need only email or call them.) Marvin says, "We are continually blessed by the faithfulness of God and the love and provision from His people to our ministry."

Historia de fe

Marvin Robinson was born in South Carolina and grew up in New York City. He came to faith in Christ at the age of 12 through the witness of his pastor. Although he dreamed of playing professional baseball from the age of 5, Marvin also felt a strong desire to serve the Lord as a missionary. Marvin was seriously injured in Vietnam, and his lifelong dream of a baseball career was out of the question; but he says, "I had no regrets because God opened the door for me to be in full-time service for Him." Denise came to faith in Christ through the ministry of Billy Graham, praying to receive Christ during a television broadcast and making a public profession of faith during the 1970 Crusade at Shea Stadium. She currently is doing a ministry called ASAP (Actively Serving and Proclaiming), which is tract mailing and holiday outreach. This ministry utilizes believers in Christ who would not ordinarily be available to serve the Lord full time, but would like very much to do so, such as senior adults, people with special needs, etc. The Bible Study she has in a senior adult facility with older-age seniors has moved online, and she leads another Bible Study online with women of various ages. She also started  a ministry called ‘Buy-ways’, an outreach of several people who share the Gospel while interacting and helping with the purchases of shoppers. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, this ministry is on hold--but she is praying for the day it can return!  She also has the privilege of mentoring women. “Better late than never” she says when asked about her course of study with online college courses aiming for a degree in Religion/ Christian Counseling. She shares that God’s mercies are truly new every morning and so great is His faithfulness to her.




    Marvin and Denise by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH). 

Más información sobre este ministerio

En coloridas comunidades y a lo largo de pintorescas autopistas, la diversidad de gentes y paisajes se extiende de costa a costa.

Entre las tradiciones icónicas estadounidenses figuran la cena de Acción de Gracias, la música jazz y el Super Bowl. Se funden con ejemplos eclécticos de herencia multicultural: numerosos barrios chinos locales, taquerías operadas por familias e incluso botas vaqueras, que se originaron entre los hunos nómadas del este de Europa.

El paisaje del país muestra otros tantos contrastes: playas arenosas y costas rocosas, llanuras abiertas y vastos desiertos, montañas escarpadas y cañones sinuosos, y abundantes ríos y lagos.

Los ideales de vida y libertad que fundaron los Estados Unidos han hecho del país uno de los más prósperos del mundo, aún con episodios oscuros y problemas presentes. La delincuencia, la discriminación y las violaciones de la ética ocupan regularmente los titulares y muchas personas viven por debajo del nivel nacional de pobreza.

Las familias consideran que la educación es esencial para la búsqueda de la felicidad, pero también como un camino hacia la riqueza y el poder para los más ambiciosos. Sin embargo, los estadounidenses también demuestran un espíritu caritativo de generosidad hacia los vecinos y las naciones necesitadas.

La libertad de religión ofrece oportunidades a todas las diferentes religiones, pero el cristianismo tiene especial influencia en la historia y la vida cotidiana del país.

Tu participación con Missions Door apoya el ministerio en Estados Unidos entre estudiantes universitarios, incluidos muchos estudiantes internacionales en iglesias locales colaboradoras. También permite el alcance social, la plantación de iglesias y el desarrollo de liderazgo en una amplia variedad de comunidades - entre los nativos americanos y otros grupos culturales, y en entornos urbanos y suburbanos donde el crecimiento y el cambio demográfico crean nuevas oportunidades para el Evangelio.

Instantánea cultural

Aparte de las poblaciones de nativos americanos, nativos hawaianos y nativos de Alaska, casi todos los estadounidenses y sus antepasados emigraron a Estados Unidos.

Hecho de fe

En una encuesta de 2013, el 56% de los estadounidenses afirmaron que la religión desempeñaba un "papel muy importante en sus vidas", una cifra superior a la de cualquier otra nación rica.

Perfil del país

Población: 320 millones

Religiones mayoritarias: 47% protestantes, 23% no afiliados, 21% católicos, 6% otros

Idiomas: 82% Inglés, 11% Español, varios otros

Alfabetización: 99

Pobreza: 16%



Área de servicio del Ministerio:

Ubicación del Ministerio:
Nueva York, Estados Unidos