Héctor and Matilde Romero

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial

Héctor and Matilde were appointed as missionaries with Missions Door in 2018, serving the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Their goal is to reach families, young adults, children,  and all people in the Yucatan Peninsula. The Romeros preach the gospel and teach the Word of God in hopes of making a profound impact in the lives of the next generation. Specifically, they serve as churches planters in the city of Campeche. This city is the capital of the state, Campeche, located in the Southeast of the country. From there, they work diligently to take the gospel to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. This peninsula of Mexico has the highest suicide rate of all Mexico and the state of Campeche is the poorest state in country. The Romeros have taken on the challenge of entering places where the gospel has never been. In order to carry the gospel they use soccer, other sports and more tools as a means to connect with people, and thus reach their families with the powerful transforming message of Jesus Christ. They want to develop a Project called “10-35”, with the goal of planting ten churches by 2035. The priority of their ministry is to "make disciples" (2 Timothy 2:2). They work to form committed native leaders who are the next missionaries and pastors. Héctor and Matilde work with children, adolescents and young adults, in a sports ministry, running a “Soccer School". The goal is to bring the students and their parents into an encounter with Jesus Christ. The Romeros also work in Rehabilitation Centers, preaching the Gospel and teaching the Bible to young people with different addictions who have made a decision of salvation. Their goa lis to reach families and thus, achieve their integration into the church. They continue to develop other ministries of evangelism like children’s camps, providing food for needy children, missionary conferences, hosting short-term teams and other special programs for families.

Historia de fe

In 1987, Héctor was invited to an evangelism campaign. The message so impacted his life, that when he arrived home, he fell to his knees on the living room floor and accepted Christ as his savior. Six months later, God gave him the opportunity to accompany a missionary from the U.S. on a trip to find churches in the northern highlands of Puebla. It was there that God placed in him a passion for preaching the gospel, planting churches and teaching the Bible, and in 1989, God called him to ministry. Since 1995, he has served for more than 20 years as an evangelist and biblical teacher with the Word of Life organization, served in his church among youth, and both he and his wife, Matilde, support and plant churches in Mexico and Central America. Currently, Hector and Matilde focus primarily on the ministry of church planting in the state of Campeche. For many years, Héctor was an evangelist with Palabra de Vida (Word of Life) Mexico, an administrator of a camp, director more than 12 different evangelism ministries within that organization, and has served as a missionary in the country of Honduras. Matilde accepted the Lord as a child in 1979, while at church camp. At that same camp, she committed herself to Christ to be a missionary. At only 12 years old, God placed in her heart the passion to take the gospel to her family and get involved in the church near her home. In 1987, Matilde entered the Biblical Institute at Word of Life, where she came to better know her Savior. In 1990, she became a missionary with  the Word of Life organization, and served there for more than 27 years.


  • Héctor—Bachelor of Theology - Palabra de Vida Bible Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Matilde—Bachelor of Theology - Palabra de Vida Bible Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina




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Más información sobre este ministerio

Desde las civilizaciones antiguas hasta las ciudades modernas, las coloridas tradiciones hacen avanzar una cultura vibrante

Las coloridas y alegres fiestas son un elemento básico de la vida en México para celebrarlo todo, desde los santos patrones hasta las fiestas nacionales, pasando por la música de guitarra. Las tradiciones actuales combinan la influencia española desde el siglo XVI con la herencia de antiguas civilizaciones que florecieron en México miles de años antes.

Las soleadas playas y aguas turquesas de Baja California y Cancún atraen a miles de turistas cada año. Y entre una combinación de arquitectura histórica y moderna, los 20 millones de habitantes de Ciudad de México la convierten en uno de los centros urbanos más poblados del mundo.

En el corazón de cada ciudad mexicana se encuentra el zócalo, o plaza pública central, que invita a la interacción comunitaria. Por el contrario, los muros enlucidos suelen rodear las casas acomodadas para protegerlas y simbolizar la importancia de la familia en la sociedad mexicana.

El país tiene una de las mayores economías del mundo, impulsada en gran medida por la industria manufacturera, y es el mayor productor mundial de plata. Pero las altas tasas de desempleo y delincuencia dificultan que muchos hogares obtengan ingresos suficientes.

Su participación con Missions Door ayuda a satisfacer las necesidades estratégicas y espirituales de las comunidades en México a través de equipos médicos, capacitación de líderes, desarrollo económico, plantación de iglesias y ministerio juvenil.

Instantánea cultural

El aclamado pintor mexicano Diego Rivera creó elaborados murales que representan la historia y la cultura de México.

Hecho de fe

México tiene la segunda mayor población de católicos del mundo, aproximadamente 96 millones.

Perfil del país

Población: 118 millones, 46% de 0 a 24 años

Religiones mayoritarias: 83% católicos, 6% protestantes

Idiomas: 93% español, 6% bilingüe en español y lenguas indígenas

Alfabetización: 94

Pobreza: 52%



Área de Servicio Ministerial:

Ubicación del ministerio:
, México