Paul and Tania Steer

Perfil del misionero

Enfoque ministerial

Paul was appointed by Missions Door in 2014 serving as a missionary in Honduras. Paul and Tania desire to reach men, women, children, families, neighborhoods, villages, and all people from the mountains of Honduras. They want to teach the Word of God and to impact, and be a changing factor for future generations. They serve as church planters in the city of Comayagua, Comayagua. This province is located in the center of the country, and from there, they work diligently to take the gospel to the South East Central region of Honduras. They passionately carry the Word of God to the unreached, no matter the place, climate or ethnic group. Paul and Tania also work with children with a ministry they have called Explorer Children. The goal is for these children to learn how to evangelize in their own communities by cleaning and doing other social services to the homes of each students’ families. This ministry specifically reaches teenagers and young adults in the schools and universities. They share the gospel through evangelism, drama messages and counseling young people. The Steers have taken up the challenge of entering communities where the gospel is not accepted. They use soccer as an opportunity to connect with people by teaching sports techniques to children in the area. In this way, they share the gospel with children and young people and are then able to reach their families with the restorative message of Jesus Christ. The rural areas where they work are some of the poorest areas of Honduras and many children eat only one meal a day. Through Sunday school, Paul and Tania diligently work to bring snacks to children to improve the nutrition of many boys and girls.

Historia de fe

In 2004, Paul encountered the Lord while listening to a preacher on the radio while he was driving on his way to work. The message impacted him so much that he pulled over on the side of the road and prayed, right there, to receive Jesus in his heart. Since then, Paul only wants to grow with other believers and to learn how to live a closer relationship with Christ. In 2006, God called Paul to ministry. Since then, he has been immersed in church activities, serving in the Sunday school ministry to children nine to 13 years old, adults, and serves as a youth pastor. Paul has also been the president of the regional board of Baptist churches in Comayagua, La Paz, Francisco Morazán, Intibucá and Danlí. Tania accepted the Lord as a child in 1981, through the church. She recommitted herself to Christ in 2006 in the city of Comayagua. At that time, she was going through a serious illness that was never diagnosed. This illness almost took her life, but it was a tool that helped for her reconciliation with Christ.



  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Occupational Engineering - Autonomous University of Honduras
  • Law degree with a specialty in Labor Law – Autonomous University of Honduras




    Paul and Tania by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH). 

Más información sobre este ministerio

Entre la gente pobre pero apasionada, los lazos familiares y las ocasiones festivas alegran la vida

Aparte de los populares lugares turísticos de las Islas de la Bahía y las ruinas mayas de Copán, la prístina belleza caribeña de Honduras sigue siendo poco conocida por los visitantes internacionales.

Pero las exportaciones del país son conocidas en el extranjero, sobre todo en Estados Unidos. Los recursos naturales de Honduras abastecen el comercio de café, caña de azúcar y frutas tropicales, así como de petróleo y textiles. Sin embargo, el crecimiento económico se ve limitado por la inestabilidad política y los cárteles de la droga, que comprometen la seguridad y el desarrollo.

Los hondureños muestran gran pasión por el fútbol y disfrutan de las ocasiones festivas con música y bailes tradicionales de punta. Suelen reservarse sus creencias religiosas.

Las familias extensas suelen vivir muy cerca. Los hondureños reciben a sus amigos e invitados en los porches de sus casas, y las comunidades se reúnen en las plazas centrales de la mayoría de las ciudades.

Su participación con Missions Door ayuda a satisfacer las necesidades estratégicas y espirituales de las comunidades de Honduras a través de la formación pastoral, el desarrollo del liderazgo, la plantación de iglesias, el desarrollo económico, el ministerio de la mujer y la evangelización.

Instantánea cultural

Mientras los hondureños recrean los acontecimientos de Semana Santa, los artistas crean elaboradas alfombras de serrín para decorar el camino por el que la figura de Jesús caminará hasta su crucifixión.

Hecho de fe

Las clases altas de Honduras se adhieren predominantemente al catolicismo, mientras que la afiliación protestante evangélica aumenta entre los pobres de las ciudades.

Perfil del país

Población: 9 millones

Religiones mayoritarias: 97% católicos romanos, 3% protestantes

Idiomas: Español (oficial), dialectos amerindios

Alfabetización: 85

Pobreza: 60%



Área de Servicio Ministerial:

Ubicación del ministerio:
, Honduras