Últimas noticias: Aumentan las profesiones de fe y los bautismos en el ministerio de Honduras

Actualizaciones | Historias | Vidas cambiadas

Victor Almendarez, Missions Door missionary in Western Honduras, has an amazing praise report!

  • Virgilia Almendarez continues to disciple women and children in the Honduran mountains.
  • Five house churches are outgrowing their meeting places, meaning five new churches need to be planted.
  • Thirty-five people have been baptized.
  • Forty-five children living in poverty have been given backpacks and school supplies.
  • Fifty ministry leaders are being trained.
  • Sixty-five people have made professions of faith.
  • One hundred extremely poor families have received prayer and a bag of food.

Pray that Victor’s team is able to raise $5,000 for each of the new churches that need to be constructed. Support Victor here.

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