Our Vision

Our vision is to see a world full of healthy, local churches.

Notre mission

To be the world's best at identifying, resourcing, networking, and encouraging local multipliers everywhere.

Our Values

Love changes everything.

(Gospel Reconciliation)

We believe that God is love, and that the Good News of Jesus Christ, motivated by God's love changes everything. Love received willingly brings love enters in, transforming us from the inside out and continuing through us to transform our relationships with both God and others. We love who and what He loves.Therefore we minister holistically, extending His forgiveness, healing, restoration and justice to individuals, communities and systems. (2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Colossians 1:20-22)


We're better together.

(Multiethnic Focus)


We believe God is at work in all cultures, and each one brings unique perspectives and strengths to the body of Christ. Therefore we value the hard work of dismantling barriers that keep people apart and are committed to inviting people from all cultures into community and leadership. (Galatians 3:27-28; Ephesians 2:13-19)


Begin where others are.

(Contextually-Rooted Ministry)

We believe our leaders should have the freedom to implement our shared mission in ways that are appropriate to their context and culture. They see opportunities, have strategic contacts, and impact the surrounding culture in a way that outsiders cannot. (Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 4:10)


Leaders serve first.

(Servant Leadership)

We believe the role of our leaders is to ensure the flourishing of those around them. We value leaders who sacrifice their own ambition, demonstrate humility, model integrity, and seek healthy collaboration. (Matthew 20:25-28; John 13:12-17)

Bigger Than Us

Our team consists of local (indigenous) missionaries and the staff who support them. We have teams in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. These teams work in communities, with castaway groups, and on campuses everywhere. All over the world, our teams reach:

Cities, villages, tribes, and more that lack churches, pastors, and bibles

Different religious groups, the marginalized, and those who are health impaired, lack education, and those who go without the basic needs of life

College and international students who need to be introduced to Christ or grow in their faith

We are redefining how indigenous ministry works.

Nous sommes meilleurs ensemble !


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Rejoignez-nous à la porte

Recevez les lettres d'information de Missions Door ! Dieu fait des choses étonnantes à travers les équipes de Missions Door dans le monde entier. Des gens découvrent Jésus. Des mariages sont restaurés. Des relations séparées par la douleur et les conflits sont réconciliées grâce à l'Évangile. Ce sont des histoires que nous vivons tous les jours. Nous aimerions partager avec vous ce que Dieu fait. Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous pour participer à ce voyage avec nous.

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