
Every community is better with healthy, local churches


Church Planting everywhere

Someone needs to reach entire communities for Jesus by planting churches among the majority of people living there. It still requires local (indigeneous) leaders because so often they understand the community "from the inside out." By focusing on people of many languages, races, cultures and nationalities, we continue to launch new churches everywhere. Cross-continental networks are being created. These networks reach back to a minister’s country of origin via our “from there to here and back” focus.


Training Opportunities

Many communities have no church presence.

Potential church planters feel under-equipped. Among the many resources we offer, Missions Door created CB Matrix, a national strategy for training and coordinating prospective church planters who will be able to start and effectively lead new faith communities.

Developing church planting movements and mobilizing ministry in more than 20 countries

International ministries focus on church planting, leadership development, evangelism, discipleship, economic development and compassion ministries. We minister in both rural areas and urban centers, and we strongly believe the best church planters are those local (indigenous) to the country they serve.


Cultivating new and existing ministries among Spanish-speaking people

With almost 17 percent of the population in the United States being of Latino descent, Missions Door is committed to reaching this large and growing segment of the population.

We reach Spanish-speaking people through establishing new churches, training leaders, helping those in need and encouraging existing ministries.

Pastor perspective

"As a pastor, I am grateful to have a partnership with Missions Door, because i feel connected to others to care about the impact of our church and the people we care for everyday."

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Recevez les lettres d'information de Missions Door ! Dieu fait des choses étonnantes à travers les équipes de Missions Door dans le monde entier. Des gens découvrent Jésus. Des mariages sont restaurés. Des relations séparées par la douleur et les conflits sont réconciliées grâce à l'Évangile. Ce sont des histoires que nous vivons tous les jours. Nous aimerions partager avec vous ce que Dieu fait. Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous pour participer à ce voyage avec nous.

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