Lourdes Aguirre

Profil du missionnaire

Focus sur le ministère

Lourdes began ministerial work with the children in her church where she was spiritually born. After, she served in the city of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, with children and supporting the youth group. Later she entered Seminary in the city of Guaymas, where she was studying and working in the Emmanuel Baptist church for four years. Upon graduating from the seminar, Lourdes married Pastor Arturo Aguirre. They started the ministry together at the Cristo Vive Baptist Church in the town of Santa Ana Sonora and had a call to work as missionaries in Nayarit. There they started two missions and visited a town in Santa Maria del Oro. After three years they went to Cristo Viene Baptist Church in La Paz, Baja California Sur. They started the work in that place and opened a mission in the town of Calafia. In that same city they worked at the Baptist House of Prayer church. In prayer and direction of the Holy Spirit, Lourdes and Arturo moved to Hermosillo, Sonora, city where they began their current ministry. Together, they planted El Sembrador Baptist Church where they have a children's club in neighborhoods. They work in cells, share the Word and support the needy. They started a new plant in the town of Miguel Aleman and Punta Chueca (with the Seris indigenous group). So far, after Arturo’s death, Lourdes continues working with the same goals he had and continues to move forward on the ministry they started together.

Histoire de foi

When Lourdes was a teenager, her parents began to meet at the Eben-Ezer Baptist Church in Nayarit. They invited her to attend but initially it was boring and a waste of time. They never forced her—they let her make her own decisions. The whole family left home on Sundays, either to church or for a walk, so Lourdes was left alone at home. So, in order to not be left alone, Lourdes started attending church, although not to listen. The young people began to invite her to their meetings, and she got involved with them for fun, until one day in a campfire they sang a song saying that if I died at that moment where would I go. Lourdes meditated on it and with what she had already heard of the Word, she answered that question within herself. Lourdes got up and walked home crying. When she arrived, she entered my bedroom and, on her knees, spoke with God asking for forgiveness and to give him her life.


Las Americas Administrative Commercial School. Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. 3 years of Accounting. Baptist Theological Seminary of Sonora. Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 4 years. Bachelor of Christian Education. Some APEN workshops. Other ones in Guadalajara Jalisco, Nogales, Sonora, Guaymas, Sonora, Tepic, Nayarit, La Paz, Baja California Sur,




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En savoir plus sur les lieux où se déroule ce ministère

Des civilisations anciennes aux villes modernes, des traditions colorées font progresser une culture dynamique.

Les fêtes colorées et joyeuses constituent un élément essentiel de la vie au Mexique et permettent de tout célébrer, des saints patrons aux fêtes nationales en passant par la musique à la guitare. Les traditions d'aujourd'hui mêlent l'influence espagnole depuis les années 1500 à l'héritage des anciennes civilisations qui ont prospéré au Mexique pendant des milliers d'années.

Les plages ensoleillées et les eaux turquoise de Baja California et de Cancún attirent des milliers de touristes chaque année. Les 20 millions d'habitants de Mexico en font l'un des centres urbains les plus peuplés au monde, avec une architecture à la fois historique et moderne.

Au cœur de chaque ville mexicaine se trouve le zócalo, ou place publique centrale, qui invite à l'interaction communautaire. En revanche, les murs enduits entourent souvent les maisons aisées pour les protéger et symboliser l'importance de la famille dans la société mexicaine.

Le pays possède l'une des plus grandes économies du monde, tirée en grande partie par l'industrie manufacturière, et est le plus grand producteur d'argent au monde. Mais les taux élevés de chômage et de criminalité empêchent de nombreux ménages de gagner suffisamment d'argent.

Votre participation à Missions Door permet de répondre aux besoins stratégiques et spirituels des communautés du Mexique par le biais d'équipes médicales, de formation au leadership, de développement économique, d'implantation d'églises et de ministère de la jeunesse.

Portrait culturel

Le célèbre peintre mexicain Diego Rivera a créé des peintures murales élaborées qui dépeignent l'histoire et la culture du Mexique.

Fait de foi

Le Mexique est le deuxième pays au monde en termes de population catholique, avec environ 96 millions d'habitants.

Profil du pays

La population est de 118 millions d'habitants : 118 millions, 46% de 0-24 ans

Principales religions : 83 % de catholiques, 6 % de protestants

Langues : 93% d'espagnols, 6% bilingues en espagnol et en langues indigènes

Alphabétisation : 94

Pauvreté : 52%



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