Noé González

Profil du missionnaire

Focus sur le ministère

"Los Viñedos" (2012 - 2015).- Noé was the leader of a Ministry focused on evangelism with people who come from southern Mexico to harvest the grapes, having up to almost a thousand people listening to the good news of Christ in Spanish and in other languages. natives.

"Rehabilitation Centers" (2016-2017).- He had the opportunity to serve young people and adults who were in addiction rehabilitation and to have Bible studies with them.

"Creative" (2019 - 2022).- He was appointed as a ministry leader, in charge of directing the praise time, the sound and projection area, training and training young people, discipling and developing their artistic and technological skills.

“CUT Sonora” (2020-2021).- It was part of a civil association that is in charge of feeding people on the streets and through a plate of food to show the love of Christ.

Currently he is part of the staff of “gR” (Generation on Course) focused on the university campus where he has felt a great burden for the young people and the need they have to know Christ and surrender their lives completely to the Lord.

Our vision is to develop spiritually mature leaders who can guide other young people to the truth and who may have the ability to bring others closer to knowing Jesus and having a radical change in their lives. Our goal is to be able to expand the kingdom of God within the university campuses in the city of Hermosillo, connect university students to a local church where they can develop into a Christian community and share the gospel with others.

We want to form a firm community where we can have conversational meetings where the boys can express their spiritual doubts and about life in order to bring them closer to the gospel.

Histoire de foi

In 2012 I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Canada and serve there for almost a month. That was where the Lord revealed himself to my life as a wake-up call. Luke 9:23 says: Then he said to the crowd: “If any of you wants to be my follower, he has to abandon his own way of life, take up his cross every day and follow me. The way in which I made that decision to follow Jesus was a process that led me to confront my selfish way of living, leaving all pride, a whole life full of hatred and resentment in order to reorder my life and to be able to make the kingdom known to all. others. It was a verse that hit my heart and guided me to change little by little and that continues to transform my life to this day.

Since I was a teenager, I was very interested in missions, however I looked at it as something that only people who traveled the world could do. When the opportunity to go to Canada came up in 2012, I was intrigued by what might happen during the trip. The most impressive thing was that the Lord found me on that missionary trip, from there I had the opportunity to get involved in evangelism ministries in a ministry called vineyards. During my time at the Biblical Institute, I participated in other missionary trips in some towns and cities in Baja California, the Sierra de Sonora, in rehabilitation centers. In one way or another the Lord has shown his love to me and has taught me to show his love to others through music or deep conversations about the spiritual life. Currently, the Lord has allowed me to be with university students in difficult times, in doubts about spiritual questions and conversations about the Christian life.


In 2016, Noé graduated as a Worship Minister from Selah Beat Music School in Hermosillo. In 2018, he graduated Calvary Chapel Bible College in Ensenada where he studied theology and in 2021, Noé graduated from a theology course called Sunesis in Hermosillo.




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En savoir plus sur les lieux où se déroule ce ministère

Des civilisations anciennes aux villes modernes, des traditions colorées font progresser une culture dynamique.

Les fêtes colorées et joyeuses constituent un élément essentiel de la vie au Mexique et permettent de tout célébrer, des saints patrons aux fêtes nationales en passant par la musique à la guitare. Les traditions d'aujourd'hui mêlent l'influence espagnole depuis les années 1500 à l'héritage des anciennes civilisations qui ont prospéré au Mexique pendant des milliers d'années.

Les plages ensoleillées et les eaux turquoise de Baja California et de Cancún attirent des milliers de touristes chaque année. Les 20 millions d'habitants de Mexico en font l'un des centres urbains les plus peuplés au monde, avec une architecture à la fois historique et moderne.

Au cœur de chaque ville mexicaine se trouve le zócalo, ou place publique centrale, qui invite à l'interaction communautaire. En revanche, les murs enduits entourent souvent les maisons aisées pour les protéger et symboliser l'importance de la famille dans la société mexicaine.

Le pays possède l'une des plus grandes économies du monde, tirée en grande partie par l'industrie manufacturière, et est le plus grand producteur d'argent au monde. Mais les taux élevés de chômage et de criminalité empêchent de nombreux ménages de gagner suffisamment d'argent.

Votre participation à Missions Door permet de répondre aux besoins stratégiques et spirituels des communautés du Mexique par le biais d'équipes médicales, de formation au leadership, de développement économique, d'implantation d'églises et de ministère de la jeunesse.

Portrait culturel

Le célèbre peintre mexicain Diego Rivera a créé des peintures murales élaborées qui dépeignent l'histoire et la culture du Mexique.

Fait de foi

Le Mexique est le deuxième pays au monde en termes de population catholique, avec environ 96 millions d'habitants.

Profil du pays

La population est de 118 millions d'habitants : 118 millions, 46% de 0-24 ans

Principales religions : 83 % de catholiques, 6 % de protestants

Langues : 93% d'espagnols, 6% bilingues en espagnol et en langues indigènes

Alphabétisation : 94

Pauvreté : 52%



Domaine de service du ministère :
Ambassadeurs du campus

Lieu du ministère :