Rylan Headley

Profil du missionnaire

Focus sur le ministère

Originally from Pendleton, OR, Rylan began attending Western Oregon University in the fall of 2019. He served as a student volunteer with Campus Ambassadors for two years by helping lead men's discipleship groups, planning retreats, and teaching during their weekly fellowship gatherings. He was approached about the possibility of formally joining the staff team as a student intern and was officially appointed in July 2021. After serving as an intern for a full year, Rylan was appointed as an official Field Minister in June of 2022. In addition to the larger mission of Campus Ambassadors in the Northwest, Rylan loves to focus on outreach and forming healthy Christ-centered relationships with students by inviting them to explore the person of Christ in a deeper, more personal way.


Histoire de foi

Rylan grew up going to church with his grandparents. He developed his faith by attending Sabbath school, many Bible studies with his grandparents and leaders at his church, family camps, and seminars. It was during his junior year of high school that Rylan fully accepted Jesus into his heart and made the decision to be baptized.

During Rylan’s time in college, God transformed him. After becoming involved with the Campus Ambassadors, Rylan began taking up leadership roles and participating in new Bible studies and trainings. Through this, his confidence and relationship with Jesus grew in many beautiful and incredible ways.


During Rylan’s time in college, God transformed him. After becoming involved with the Campus Ambassadors, Rylan began taking up leadership roles and participating in new Bible studies and trainings. Through this, his confidence and relationship with Jesus grew in many beautiful and incredible ways. 


Rylan attended Western Oregon University and graduated with a major in biology with a minor in chemistry in the spring of 2022.




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En savoir plus sur les lieux où se déroule ce ministère



Domaine de service du ministère :
Ambassadeurs du campus

Ministry location: