Peter and Thelma Yaruchyk

Profil du missionnaire

Focus sur le ministère

Peter has served in various ministries over his lifetime, as a professor at seminaries and Bible institutes, as a church planter, a pastor and a Marriage and Families Conference presenter in Latin America, Eastern Europe, as well as in the United States. In January of 2013 he began to serve with Missions Door as the Ministry Coordinator for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. His background and experience is enhanced by all the languages in which he is fluent. He speaks Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish. He also spent ten years as a missionary in Ukraine with CBInternational, now called WorldVenture.

Histoire de foi

Peter was born in Paraguay and raised in the Christian home of Ukrainian immigrants. At a very early age he chose to follow the Lord and he responded to the call to ministry. He began among the Slavic immigrant churches in Paraguay, and then widened his outreach into Latin America, Europe and the United States. Thelma was born in Costa Rica into a Christian family. She followed Christ, grew in her faith and served in the Templo BÌblico in San Jose, Costa Rica. Peter has published several books, a few in Russian and others in Spanish. One is "Recuerdos del Pasado" (Memories of the Past). It tells the story of the life and ministry of his parents in Paraguay among the Slavic immigrants, and their ministry of compassion among people with leprosy, with whom they served for 33 years.


Diploma: Russian Bible Institute, Temperley, Buenos Aires, Argentina License: Seminario Biblico Latinoamericano, San Jose, Costa Rica Masters in Missions/Counseling: Columbia International University, Columbia, South Carolina Doctorate in Christian Counseling: Andersonville Theological Seminary, Camilla, Georgia




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