Ukraine Impact Fund

Profil du projet

Focus sur le ministère

Sasha and Sveta Moseychuk have served in the city of Donestk, on the far eastern edge of Ukraine for more than twenty years. Their city is in the center of one of the world’s greatest humanitarian crises, a “Forgotten War”, now into its fifth year. Located just behind a 300-mile line of trenches and massive fields of land mines, every day brings more shelling to the city. Donetsk has been decimated. Ten thousand people have died. A million and a half have fled. Every day there are more casualties.

While those who are left behind try to press on with their lives, it is always the nighttime that is the hardest. They must keep a curfew inside their homes. There is nothing to do but try to go to sleep to the sound of rockets and gunfire. When they are hitting close it shakes the windows of the house and sleep is impossible.

The Moseychuks would have every reason to leave. In July, separatist soldiers arrived at their New Life Church. The soldiers announced that the building, which the Moseychuks have owned for twenty years, was no longer theirs. They had one day to vacate with their personal belongings. A month later, when they re-gathered the congregation at another rented location, a policeman quickly appeared. He ordered them to immediately disperse or he would call in soldiers. The next morning Alexander was “invited” down to the KGB building. Sveta waited on pins and needles, praying and wondering if her husband would ever return home. They have now divided the church into smaller groups, meeting in homes, and moving locations to avoid detection.

Alexander and Sveta have the documents to leave if they want to. Two thirds of the people in the city are already gone. All of the western missionaries have long since evacuated.  I can’t help but ask, “Have you thought about leaving?”

“Of course!” Alexander responds. “This is not easy for us, but what about those who can’t leave? They are mostly old. Some of them are blind. With the winter coming, who will be there for them to help them survive?”

Mike Fleischmann, Vice President of Personnel, 11/2018


Even though their building was taken by the KGB, the Donetsk Family Center and New Life Church in Ukraine continue to serve their surrounding community with a holistic approach to bringing people to Christ. Many people in the neighborhood struggle with addictions, illness, disabilities and poverty, but they are finding help and new life.

The church distributes food, toiletries, medication, and other essential items to help those in their community survive. Your support provides for the Family Center staff, monthly meals at the Blind Society, food for the needy, help to women with handicapped children and other needs in the Donetsk community.

Since congregations in Ukraine cannot afford to support their pastors, your support also provides for the pastoral staff at New Life Church and pastors serving other churches in surrounding communities.

Countries Served



Project ID: 93281M