Tyler Stibrich

Profil du missionnaire

Focus sur le ministère

Tyler first learned about Damascus Road Tucson in 2009, as a college freshman. After attending his first Sunday service, Tyler got involved in every community group he could and attended every event possible. Very quickly, Tyler became a part of the Damascus Road community and wanted to become further involved. At first, that meant running tech on occasional Sunday mornings, but grew to include leading the student small group, being mentored, traveling to California, Haiti, and the Bahamas for service trips, and much more. In 2012, Tyler was appointed with Missions Door as a ministry intern for his last year of college, and a year later, despite graduating with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, Tyler made the switch to full time ministry after feeling called to campus ministry. Ever since, he has served on staff as an assistant minister at Damascus Road, where he teaches on Sunday mornings, leads small groups, heads up the outreach team, and helps co-ordinate service opportunities on campus, in the community, and in other states or abroad. For the last few years, Tyler and his wife, Megan, have hosted the Post-Grad Group at their home, providing ministry and community specifically to young adults who have recently graduated or are in grad school, but still have a space in Damascus Road’s unique ministry. In addition to helping lead the group, Megan also serves on staff with Damascus Road, where she helps develop the curriculum for Damascus Road’s children ministry, mentor young women, and teach on Sunday mornings.

Histoire de foi

Tyler was baptized and raised in the faith by his parents. They regularly attended church, and Tyler attended private Christian schools from preschool through high school. His parents, and the community he grew up in, laid a strong foundation for his faith. From there, Tyler attended the University of Arizona, where God led him to Damascus Road. In this ministry, Tyler has undergone his greatest growth, learning more about God’s grace, love, and the gifts and passions God gave Tyler for people and ministry. Tyler continues to seek God's plan for him, and in May 2012, he renewed his baptism to proclaim his faith and commitment to following the path God sets before him. Megan came to faith in high school, after being invited by friends to youth services at a nearby church, learning more about Christ in a small group, and being poured into by friends and leaders. After joining Damascus Road in 2012, as a freshman in college, Megan steadily grew in faith and knowledge as she was mentored, given opportunities to serve, and invited to become a leader herself in their community of faith.


Like Tyler, both his parents grew up in Christian homes. They met while in high school in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, where much of their extended family still lives. His father, Joe, is an engineer for the city of Aurora, Colorado, where Tyler grew up and his parents still live. His mother, JoAnn, is the director of the preschool at their church, where she demonstrates her love and passion for God and his children every day. Tyler is the youngest of three children. His sister, Stefanie, lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana with her family, and his brother, Scott, and sister-in-law live in Denver, Colorado. In May of 2017, Tyler married Megan Kleinwachter. Megan first came to Damascus Road as a freshman in 2012 after being invited by some of her friends from church. As Megan began to serve more at Damascus Road, Tyler couldn’t help but notice her dedication and care for people. Eventually, she returned his interest. She is an exceptional partner in ministry and in life. They were married in 2017. In 2022, Tyler and Megan celebrated the birth their first child, Joseph Alan.




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En savoir plus sur les lieux où se déroule ce ministère

Dans des communautés colorées et le long d'autoroutes pittoresques, des populations et des paysages diversifiés s'étendent d'un océan à l'autre

Les traditions américaines emblématiques comprennent le dîner de Thanksgiving, la musique jazz et le Super Bowl. Elles se mêlent à des exemples éclectiques d'héritage multiculturel : de nombreux quartiers chinois locaux, des taquerias familiales et même des bottes de cow-boy, qui trouvent leur origine chez les Huns nomades d'Europe de l'Est.

Le paysage du pays présente tout autant de contrastes : plages de sable et côtes rocheuses, plaines ouvertes et vastes déserts, montagnes escarpées et canyons sinueux, rivières et lacs en abondance.

Les idéaux de vie et de liberté qui ont fondé les États-Unis ont fait de ce pays l'un des plus prospères du monde, même s'il n'est pas exempt de chapitres sombres et de problèmes actuels. La criminalité, la discrimination et les violations de l'éthique font régulièrement la une des journaux, et de nombreuses personnes vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté national.

Les familles considèrent l'éducation comme essentielle à la poursuite du bonheur, voire comme un moyen d'accéder à la richesse et au pouvoir pour les plus ambitieux. Cependant, les Américains font également preuve d'un esprit charitable et de générosité envers leurs voisins et les nations dans le besoin.

La liberté de religion offre des possibilités à toutes les confessions, mais le christianisme exerce une influence particulière sur l'histoire et la vie quotidienne du pays.

Votre participation à Missions Door soutient le ministère aux États-Unis parmi les étudiants universitaires, y compris de nombreux étudiants internationaux, dans le cadre de la collaboration avec les églises locales. Elle permet également l'action sociale, l'implantation d'églises et le développement du leadership dans une grande variété de communautés - parmi les Amérindiens et d'autres groupes culturels, ainsi que dans les villes et les banlieues où la croissance et les changements démographiques créent de nouvelles opportunités pour l'Évangile.

Portrait culturel

À l'exception des populations amérindiennes, hawaïennes et d'Alaska, presque tous les Américains et leurs ancêtres ont immigré aux États-Unis.

Fait de foi

Dans une enquête réalisée en 2013, 56 % des Américains ont déclaré que la religion jouait un "rôle très important dans leur vie", soit un pourcentage plus élevé que dans n'importe quel autre pays riche.

Profil du pays

Population : 320 millions d'habitants

Principales religions : 47% protestants, 23% non affiliés, 21% catholiques, 6% autres

Langues : 82% anglais, 11% espagnol, divers autres

Alphabétisation : 99

Pauvreté : 16%



Domaine de service du ministère :
Ambassadeurs du campus

Lieu du ministère :
Arizona, États-Unis