Thankful for the Journey

Mises à jour | Histoires | Vies changées

This past October, Rick Myers set out on a cross-country tour, deciding to travel the US by car to visit and promote many US and Central American missionaries. Rick was re-appointed as a Missionary Advocate last year and embraced the opportunity to personally fellowship and commune with these missionaries across the US. This “Missionary Advocacy Tour” included 10,000 miles, 18 states, many shared meals, several host homes, and numerous productive meetings. After almost two months, Rick arrived home at the end of November. Upon his return, Rick reminded his supporters of four specific missionary families he visited along the way that are still in need of financial support. Just as He did for Rick, we know that God provides for the journey. This Christmas season, we remember the most beautiful gift God gave to the world: His Son. The missionaries and staff at Missions Door thank you for all of your past gifts, as you are extending the Son’s Kingdom. It is through you that God is able to provide for these amazing ministries.

From Rick…
Carlos & Lily Mazariegos
– I have had the opportunity to co-lead several projects with Carlos and Lily Mazariegos in Guatemala. This dynamic couple represents the second generation of ministry of the de la Cruz family – Lily’s parents are Otto & Rosa de la Cruz, who have been serving in Central America for over 30 years.  AND, the Mazariegos children are each uniquely involved in the ministry from Youth and Children’s’ programs to leading worship teams!  Your consideration to invest in this wonderful ministry legacy would be greatly appreciated!

Paul & Tania Steer – Based in Comayagua, Honduras this couple and their family are some of our newer friends in the Missions Door family. As church planters, their main concern is growing the church network in their region, however, they also focus on family issues, from unemployment through workshops on home-based industry, to feeding programs and alcoholism counseling, all with a Biblical basis to strengthen the family unit. We hope to enlist their daughter to help us in the future through our missionary internship program too!

Marvin & Viélka Cabrera – In February, I led a team which served along the Panama/Costa Rica border with Marvin & Viélka who focus on the Guaymí, an indigenous population living throughout the border region. We built onto an existing house that will, in the very near future, house Guaymí students that would normally not be able to attend school because of distance. The Cabrera’s have been planting churches in the region amongst the Guaymí for the past 10 years.  Their son is another potential candidate for our missionary internship program!

Isaias & Olga Cantarero – This young family represents the emerging generation of ministry leaders in the Central Honduran highlands serving the Lenca Indians, along with Erick & Yoamy Sanchez and Jorge & Nolvia Lagos.  From church planting and leadership training to radio ministry with Lenca Missions Radio to a newly planted coffee plantation, this couple is fully engaged!


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