Door of Love, Nicaragua Child Sponsorship Program

Profil du projet

Focus sur le ministère


Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Latin America. Almost 50 percent of the population live under the poverty line and have limited access to food, education and medical care. Many sponsorship programs have been created to offer aid to this population, however their reach can only go so far.

There are children, right now, in hard-to-reach, rural villages surviving on one tortilla a day. Children who were orphaned or are being raised by abandoned mothers. Children without medical attention, without education and without hope.

The Nicaragua Child Sponsorship Program (Door of Love) was developed in response to the overwhelming number of impoverished Nicaraguan children living in these conditions. The goal of this program is to find those children who have slipped through the cracks or other organizations’ aid and to embrace each one with the type of love described in Matthew 25:35-40.

The heart of this project is to personally provide food, education and the love of Jesus Christ through our missionaries on the ground in Nicaragua. Patti Bunk, Rigo Reyes and Juan Carlos Reyes work ardently to provide not only the physical needs of these children, but also to develop personal relationships with them. They seek to share the love of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate where true hope comes from.

Your monthly financial gift of $40 will provide food, education and medical care for a child in need. You can also make a donation of any amount to support efforts toward community development.

Project Coordinators:
Patti & Mike Bunk
Rigoberto Reyes
Juan Carlos Reyes