Ministry Focus
Jorge Gamez is a church planter in Mexico and currently serves at Getsemaní Baptist Church in Nogales, Sonora. Jorge has a vision to plant a new church in Hermosillo with leaders faithful to the Lord, who love and serve the Lord, and faithfully preach the Word of God to expand ministry and spread the Gospel in the surrounding areas.
Jorge has been serving in ministry since the age of 15, beginning with a youth missionary group called "Semillas de Cristo," where he served until he was 18. He then entered the Baptist Seminary of Nogales for four years and he served in local churches during that time.
In 2008, he was invited to start a new church in Poblado Miguel Alemán, where he served for seven years. In 2018, he was invited to serve as co-pastor at Sinai Baptist Church, where he served until 2023. Now, his focus is beginning the work of planting a new church in Hermosillo, with the support of Getsemaní Baptist Church where he currently serves.
Faith Story
Born in Caborca, Sonora, Jorge Gamez grew up in a Catholic home. Both of his parents were local teachers. In 1996 at the age of 12, he moved with his family to the city of Ímuris, Sonora. There, he heard about salvation for the first time while attending vacation bible school. It was in that moment that the Lord worked in his heart, leading him to repent and surrender his life to the Lord.
His wife Claudia was raised in a Christian home, and she recalls how in a Sunday school class at the age of seven, her teacher spoke to her about the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. God worked in her heart for salvation, showing her that she needed Him to forgive her sins and be her Lord and Savior.
The Lord has placed the desire to serve Him in both their hearts. They hope that more people can hear the Gospel and surrender their lives to the Lord.
Jorge Gamez holds a bachelor’s degree in biblical theology obtained from the Baptist Seminary of Nogales. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity with an emphasis on Expository Preaching, also offered by the Baptist Seminary of Nogales.
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Learn more about where this ministry happens
From ancient civilizations to modern cities, colorful traditions advance a vibrant culture
Colorful and joyful fiestas provide a staple of life in Mexico to celebrate everything from patron saints to national holidays to guitar music. Today's traditions blend Spanish influence since the 1500s with the heritage of ancient civilizations that flourished in Mexico for thousands of years prior.
Sunny beaches and turquoise waters of Baja California and Cancún bring thousands of tourists each year. And amid a combination of historic and modern architecture, Mexico City's 20 million residents make it one of the most populated urban centers in the world.
At the heart of every Mexican city lies the zócalo, or central public square, that invites community interaction. In contrast, plastered walls often surround affluent homes to provide protection and symbolize the importance of family in Mexican society.
The country has one of the world’s largest economies, driven significantly by manufacturing, and is the world’s largest producer of silver. But high rates of unemployment and crime make it hard for many households to earn enough income.
Your participation with Missions Door helps to meet strategic and spiritual needs of communities in Mexico through medical teams, leadership training, economic development, church planting and youth ministry.
Cultural Snapshot
The acclaimed Mexican painter Diego Rivera created elaborate murals that depict Mexico's history and culture.
Faith Fact
Mexico has the second largest population of Catholics in the world, approximately 96 million.
Country Profile
Population: 118 million, 46% ages 0–24
Major Religions: 83% Catholic, 6% Protestant
Languages: 93% Spanish, 6% bilingual in Spanish and indigenous languages
Literacy: 94%
Poverty: 52%

Ministry service area:
Ministry location:
, Mexico