Ministry Focus
Lloyd’s ministry involves planting churches, training national leaders, strengthening established churches, and encouraging a spirit of cooperation and fellowship among the Conservative Baptist churches in Belize. He provides one-on-one leadership training for individuals, hosts church growth workshops, and helps lead in churches that don’t have pastors. He also hosts short-term missions groups and now works with the expansion of missions in Belize and the English-speaking ministries in Central America. Lloyd says, “I see my responsibility as equipping a solid base of leadership as the ministry of Belize changes from being led by missionaries to being directed by nationals. Pray for us as we undertake this great challenge.”
Faith Story
Lloyd was born in Belize and came to know Christ as Savior and Lord at age 19. Soon after his conversion he became active in ministry, working with Missions Door’ missionary NT Dellinger in a variety of ministries, including pastoral work, evangelism, and camping.
Lloyd received Bible training through the Belize Extension Seminary, and has taken additional courses at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and Haggai Leadership Institute in Singapore. He continues to refresh himself by attending seminars, workshops, the Billy Graham School of Evangelism and Lausanne Conference for Leaders.
Lloyd has been a part of the ministry at Queen Street Baptist Church in Belize City, where he has served as pastor since 1973. Lloyd has also served as the General Director of the Conservative Baptist Fellowship of Belize since 1989.
(Lloyd received a new direction from the Lord to be totally involved in Missions. In 2013 he informed the church of giving up the senior leadership of the Church and is now expanding the Mission work in Belize and the English- speaking Ministry of Central America.)
Nancy was saved at age 15 and dedicated her life to the Lord’s service two years later. She received Bible training at Jamaica Bible School, after returning home she served as a local missionary with NT Dellinger in Bible studies, VBS and camping ministries. Nancy remains faithful to her commitment to the Lord over the years as she serves with her husband in added ministries of Women, Sunday school, Couples and Marriage retreats.
Lloyd and Nancy by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH).
Learn more about where this ministry happens
With wonderful diversity, this lush country makes a home for blended cultures and many kinds of wildlife
In Belize cultural roots run proud and deep and are intertwined with Mayan, African and European colonial heritage.
Within its small borders—180 miles long and 68 miles wide—a third of the country provides a protected home for an impressive array of wild animals, including howler monkeys, jaguars and crocodiles.
The land itself provides the primary source of livelihood for its citizens. Natural resources produce exports of crude oil and industrial minerals, as well as bananas and sugar cane. Natural beauty makes Belize a popular destination for scuba diving, hiking and kayaking that attracts tourists outnumbering residents three to one.
Belizeans are known for their friendly and welcoming spirit, even as many struggle to overcome poverty due to underemployment and lack of infrastructure.
Your participation with Missions Door supports music ministry and evangelism in Belize, and helps bring clarity of Christian teaching among diverse traditions and beliefs.
Cultural Snapshot
Paca (also called Gibnut) is the “royal rat” of the jungle and popularly enjoyed as game meat.
Faith Fact
Christian faith is often blended with Garifuna cultural practices, a blend of African and Amerindian traditions common throughout Central America.
Country Profile
Population: 340,000
Major Religions: 40% Catholic, 32% Protestant
Languages: 46% Spanish, 33% Creole, 9% Mayan dialects, English official
Literacy: 77%
Poverty: 33% overall, 40% in rural areas

Ministry service area:
Ministry location:
, Belize