Opportunity Fund
It takes all kinds of missionaries to reach all kinds of people. And what a tremendous opportunity we have to send missionaries to minister to their own culture, giving the Gospel a familiar face.
Through Missions Door, our indigenous or “insider” missionaries serve their own people in ways an outsider simply couldn’t. And they can be found across the globe. Some are immigrant and American-born minorities serving in the United States. Others are international missionaries who were born outside the U.S. And many are campus missionaries with limited Christian connections before their college years.
These missionaries already know the language and the ways of the people God has called them to reach. They’ve been raised up in the faith and trained for ministry. But often their communities lack the means to provide the financial support for their mission. Many in this situation must lean on us, Missions Door, to help fill the gap.
For this reason, Missions Door has launched the Opportunity Fund. Your support will open the door for us to equip and fund this incredibly effective, one-of-a-kind generation of new missionaries.
Please join us in providing for these missionaries by making a gift today.
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