Providing Seminary Education to the Middle East

A four-year-old Egyptian boy sits in a funeral service. The Eastern Orthodox priest speaks in Coptic, and he can hear his relatives crying. He’s cried a lot as well, painful sobs. His sister passed away, then his father, and then his other sister immediately afterward. He feels sad, lonely, and scared. He’s also confused. Why…

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Restoring Missionary Relations with the Navajo

John’s muscles ache. He and his student missionary team have just finished working after a long, cold day in Arizona. They’re repairing an older house in the Navajo nation. “All done,” John says to the homeowner. The homeowner nods his head. John and his team wish him a nice day and get going. They aren’t…

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Update: 80 Backpacks Distributed in Rochester

Update: 80 Backpacks Distributed in Rochester Missions Door missionaries, Marvin and Denise Robinson, report that they were able to supply eighty backpacks and school supplies with scripture messages in Rochester, New York. This was done through gifts from their supporters. They are planning their Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas outreach events for the homeless and families…

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Update: Ministry Equip Net Sees Influx of Ex Mormons

Missions Door missionary, Harry Olsen, currently leads Ministry Equip Net, an online two-year bible certificate program for church planters, pastors, and church leaders. Harry reports that his largest contingent of new and continuing students is in Utah, many of whom are ex-Mormons and eager to know the truth of God’s word! Praise God! Support Harry…

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Update: WATCH — Scouting Argentinian Villages for Deaf People

WATCH HERE Missions Door missionary, Jessie Fox, sent us this video, showcasing how her team at Signs of Love search for Deaf people in Argentinian villages. All of the Deaf people you’ll see in this video have never had access to learning sign language or the gospel. Deaf people who don’t know sign language typically live…

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Update: Messianic Jew Reunited with Bible Teacher After 67 Years

Missions Door missionary, Vincent Morgan, reports incredible news. Vincent is a missionary to the Jewish people. Last month, he along with one of the world’s top Messianic Jewish teachers, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, hosted a camp focused on the Jewish background of the bible. Arnold was born in Siberia in 1943, during World War II to…

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Update: 90 Non-Christian International Students Hear the Gospel

Friends of Internationals, a ministry that supports international students at Arizona State University, is seeing a high number of international students after years of covid. Since the school year started, FOI has met and interacted with over three hundred new international students. A recent Friday night dinner and bible study had over ninety students in…

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Update: Deaf Program in Peru Was a Success

Missions Door missionary, Rachel Gober, reports that her recent trip to Peru was a success. Rachel works with Signs of Love to teach sign language to Deaf people who live in rural areas of Peru and may not know sign language and how to communicate with people. She also teaches them the gospel, starts bible…

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Update: Deaf Girl in Argentinian Village Finds Hope

Missions Door missionary, Jessie Fox, has made contact with a Deaf nine-year old girl who doesn’t know sign language in a small village in Argentina. Jessie’s team was able to communicate with the girl by writing their names on her arm with their fingers, and vise-versa. The girl’s face lit up with joyous surprise when…

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Update: International Student Ministry Sees Sky Rocketing Numbers

A missionary that works with international students at a major American university (missionary and university protected for privacy reasons) reports that the number of internationals at his campus has increased significantly! This missionary has been able to pick up students at the airport and help move them in. Because he often meets their friends, this…

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Update: 28 New Videos Produced for CB Matrix

Missions Door missionary, Louis Mann, is the dean of education at CB Matrix, a free distance-learning program that trains lay church leaders and planters. Because of generous donations, CB Matrix has been able to produce 28 videos for their curriculum this year! They have also been able to procure new equipment. Over 30 students (and…

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Update: ASU Experiencing Record Number of International Students

Missions Door missionary, Ben Joseph, reports that Arizona State University has a record number of international students this past school year. The ministry he serves in, Friends of Internationals, has been able to take these students all over Arizona to experience the beauty of the Southwest and build relationships. FOI’s Easter Celebration dinner had a…

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Update: Jewish Man Saved and Being Discipled

This summer, an unsaved Jewish man approached Missions Door missionary, Mottel Baleston, after he spoke at a church located in a strongly Jewish suburb of Las Vegas. The man came with his believing wife and was open to the gospel. He willingly prayed with Mottel and came to saving faith. Mottel is happy to share…

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Preaching the Jewishness of Jesus

Cary stands at the edge of the Mount of Olives, taking in the glorious site. There are green trees as far as the eye can see, although they are no longer olive trees. There’s a heaviness in the air. It’s the 70’s and the October War has just happened, At this time, Cary is an…

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Providing Affordable Education to Inner-City Students

An instructor steps into his class, placing his laptop case on his desk. He sits down and opens his computer, waiting for his college students to shuffle in. “Good evening,” he greets them, one by one. He scans his class, nervously doing a headcount. A student approaches his desk. “William’s locked up,” the student informs…

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A Friend to Foreigners

“Oh, it’s raining!” Patricia says, smiling as she drives Fatima to the store. Fatima is her new Muslim friend from the Middle East who’s in America to study. “Thank you, Jesus. I prayed to Jesus that it would rain, and He answered my prayer.” Fatima laughs. “Does Jesus answer all of your prayers?” she asks.…

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Helping Missionaries Finish Well

Click. The door’s lock echoes in Bob’s ears. He can practically hear his heart beating. There are only two people in the room now. Himself and a police officer. When his phone rang earlier, Bob never expected to hear his friend say the following: “I’ve got a cop here who’s threatening to hurt himself.” His…

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HIV and AIDS Ministry

1988 – Steve Robenalt sits with his wife of three weeks, Patty, in a Christian conference. It’s his first year working full-time as a Campus Ambassador at Arizona State University, and they’re both excited to learn more about how to serve their students. A staff member at the conference teaches about ministering to people with…

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Giving Language to the Voiceless

“Do you know anyone in this village who’s deaf?” It’s a question Jessie and her team ask regularly in rural areas of Honduras. The person at the door tells them about a deaf gentleman who lives with his parents and gives them directions to find his home. “Do you know his name?” Jessie also asks.…

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Educating Mexico’s Next Ministry Leaders

“Mama?” Ramon’s mother looks up from her sewing. She’s sitting on the step of their front door. “Yes, mijo.” “Who made everything?” Ramon was only in six years old, but he was already pondering life’s biggest questions. How did man come to be? Is there a creator? “God did,” his mother replies. She points to…

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From Joseph Smith to Jesus Christ

“I see you’re from Utah. Are you a Mormon?” Marv Cowan was checking into a motel in St. Louis when he was asked that question by the desk attendant, Bill. As a Christian missionary to the Latter-Day Saints (LDS), he was used to being the one who asked that question. “I used to be. I’m…

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So That Israel May Be Saved

Deep melodic Hebrew rings clearly in the room, the words of the prophet Jeremiah reaching every ear. A white canopy stretches overhead like a cloud, and underneath it a young man lifts his foot to stomp on a piece of cloth, crumpled on the floor. The glass carefully wrapped inside shatters with a thrilling pop,…

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The Muslim Apologist Overwhelmed by Christian Love

Ahmed was born in 1969 in Alexandria, Egypt to a devout Muslim family. In college, he co-founded the Voice of America radio station fan club. After serving in the military, he began preparing to be a Muslim apologist. Because of his work with Voice of America, he was given a grant to come to Washington,…

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